Reach high, for stars lie hidden
in your soul.
Dream deep, for every dream
precedes the goal.
- - - -Ralph Vaull Starr
One of my biggest pet pevees is when people go the doctor
and he prescribes medication for them.
It could be several different ones.
They go to the drugstore, get them filled
and proceed to take them.
They don't ask what they are, what they are for,
what are the side effects or contraindications.
Now if they were buying a car or
appliance they would ask all kinds of questions.
They are not stupid, just too trusting.
Putting drugs of any kind, prescribed by anyone,
into your body is a very serious thing.
Please make sure you know what your taking.
There could be serious side effects
or certain foods you can't take with them.
There may even be a problem with other drugs you're taking,
such as one medication making another ineffective
or even worse giving a bad reaction.
Please be informed.